Vale Mark Byrne
It is with great sadness that we have to announce the passing of former Uni Blues’ player and coach Mark Byrne. Mark had a few medical issues and passed away on the 1/7/2020 aged 58.
Mark was a very talented footballer who played semi professionally in the UK and for the Australian Doncaster Rovers. He was a stylish centre back who could play anywhere. He could read the game perfectly and was a gentleman on and off the pitch who led by example. He was always up for a laugh off the pitch, and will be missed by all that played with or were coached under him.
He joined the club in the mid-1990s, playing for Uni Blues seniors and reserves squads, as well as coaching the team. In the late 1990’s he joined the masters team and solidified the defence as a classy and composed sweeper.

Mark was a hugely respected in the social services Child Protection field, and after coming over from Coventry and working many years in Melbourne, he went to Tasmania to head up, and shake up, Child Protection over there. A serious job, but Mark had the people skills and the calm temperament to make things happen, just like on the pitch.
Mark has sadly left behind his wife Jacki and daughter Olivia. He also left behind his beloved Coventry City who he supported all his life and who fittingly got promoted to the Championship a few weeks ago as champions.
Friend Robin Quinn remembers, “Mark was a great character and some would say was easy on the eye. My favourite line about him was when he attended a school reunion where he was remembered as the “lady killer, footballer”. Now that is what I call an epitaph!”
A video of Mark’s funeral is available until the 19/7/2020. You can access the video by going to, clicking on ‘View recent funeral videos’ and then clicking on Mark’s name.