2021 Over 35s Rego Instructions

If you have any questions, please contact the club’s Registrations Team ([email protected]).

Step 1

Read the Important info for 2021 members document.

Step 2

Read the MUSC Code of Conduct

Step 3

Transfer your registration fee to the club’s bank account and then send proof of payment to [email protected]

By paying your registration fee to the club, you agree to adhere to the MUSC Code of Conduct.

The 2021 membership fee for players in the Over 35s VicSoccer team is: $355

This is a discount of $120 on the fee of $475 that others pay to play at the club. The discount applies because the Over 35s team does not conduct training sessions, so players receive fewer footballing opportunities than other players at the club. If you would like to contribute more to the club, please consider making a tax deductible donation to MUSC.

Account Name: Melbourne University Soccer Club
BSB: 063 238
Account Number: 1007 2408

Depending on your bank, your name will not automatically be shown on the transaction details we receive. You must include your name in the transaction description so that we can identify the payment came from you.


If you are in a position to and are willing to contribute more to the club, please consider making a tax deductible donation to the club’s Foundation Chapter.


If you know someone who may want to sponsor or partner with the club, please contact [email protected]


If you have photos, memorabilia or stories that would help document the club’s history, please contact [email protected]